- This week began my second week in a series of 25 full 5-day weeks at work with no break. As most of the people in the working world go "big fucking deal" , it is to me, and I'm wondering just how it is I plan on staying sane throughout the upcoming weeks. Although I love my job, and recently switched from French to Spanish, I foresee several "mental health days" creeping into my schedule. I hate to complain, since I do get almost three months off a year, but a few long weekends here and there would be nice.
- As I was flipping through the channels this afternoon, I happened upon the Jerry Springer Show which bore the title "Pregnant Gals & Mimes". My first reaction was "how does this show stay on the air?" Then I realized it's because it has shows with titles like "Pregnant Gals & Mimes".
- I've been working through my stack of books that I've taken upon myself to consider required reading. I like to try to consider my self quasi-cultured and somewhat well read (although I'm not at all). I've worked through "Siddhartha" and my biography of Che Guevara, as well as "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac which I picked up back in October almost out of obligation because everyw
here I turned it was praised because of it's 50th anniversary release and I'd never even considered reading it. My next endeavors are "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand (recommended to me by Mikey and also, strangely enough, my mother) "Hunger" by Knut Hamsum and "End of the Night" and "Death on the Installment Plan" by Louis-Ferdinand Celine. This reading list will, of course, take me an unreasonable amount of time to finish since I prefer to pick up my copy of "I Am America and So Are You" by Stephen Colbert or The Onion's "Our Big Dumb World". Both of which I personally consider required reading also.
- A big HOLLA to Julia for getting a job before she even graduated from school! Congratulations!
- I enrolled today for beginning Italian classes at my local community college campus. It was a total impulse decision, but I'm completely psyched about it. I've always wanted to learn Italian, and I figured "hey, what the hell". I also am going to sign up for some classes through my district's IU which seem pretty cool. One is the history of music, which includes a trip to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and another about the history of Pittsburgh's South Side which includes a trip to there as well. Should be interesting, I'll keep you posted.
- I saw a bumper sticker on my way home from work today that read "Hun
t With Your Kids Not For Them". This puzzled me and made me wonder when exactly Kid Season is and what kind of permit you need for such hunting. This sticker rivals "Charlton Heston is MY President" as favorite bumper sticker ever.
There's just a quick run-down of some goings on in my life. Stay tuned for more!
The next 25 weeks will be trying. I took a mental health day today & I have next Monday off too for MLK Jr Day. I'll be partying for that though, not relaxing. I shouldn't admit it, but I haven't read any of your required books either. Ayn Rand has been recommended to me at various times, but every time I pick it up, that's all I do, pick it up, never read it. I, too, am proud of Julia. Very cool on the classes. Cleveland rocks, you know; take lots of picture when you go to the Hall of Fame. Thanks for the updates. I missed your blogging n'at.
25 full weeks! I think you guys may be in for more than a sex scandal up in the Valley, haha. I can actually tie your required reading and bumper sticker section together by telling you about my favorite bumper sticker: it's one with a picture of the bible and the line "make sure you study for your finals" , haha. As Madonna noted on her shirt in the vid for "Papa Don't Preach": Italians do it better. I've been to the Rock and Roll HOF a couple of times, very cool. If you want to see how football could turn into a life and death experience, wear a Picksburgh Stillers jersey up there and yell "go stillers" real loud in downtown Cleveland, haha.
I personally hated "Atlas Shrugged," and will never read another Ayn Rand book. Good luck with the 25 straight weeks of work. That summer break will be more than well-deserved!
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