Well readers, it's been a or while. Quite a long while actually. So long, that blogger has changed the main page since I last logged on. As you may have guessed, I've been less than inspired or motivated to blog, let alone even turn on my computer, hence the sporadic and lackluster posting.
I do however feel the need to share that my niece Ellie starts kindergarten tomorrow. Something that completely blows my mind. Ahh, it seems like only yesterday that was I fretting that my sister may have her baby during coveted ALF

time and I would have to miss a second of the festivities. And now, five and a half years later, she's officially a "grade schooler". And apparently a self-reflective teenybopping grade schooler, considering our phone conversation this evening thanking me for some "back to school mad money" I sent her late last week:
Ellie: "Thanks for the money Drewby!"
Me: "You're welcome. What are you going to buy with it?"
Ellie: "Oh, I already bought some school supplies"
*note: fun money is never to be spent on school supplies)
Me: "School supplies? Why?"
Ellie: "Because I needed a Hannah Montana diary."
Apparently kindergarten writing assignments have changed a bit since I've been there.