Monday, June 9, 2008

Open Letter To WalMart And All Applicable Companies, Associates and Customer

Dear WalMart,

You have me right where you want me, and I applaud your marketing skills and ploys that got me there. However, a few things need to be brought to your attention. First may I recommend a fresher produce section, as I discovered the green pepper I purchased today was mush at the bottom. Normally I would check for such things, but a busy mother of four was hustling me out of the vegetable aisle, so I grabbed and ran. Also a routine maintenance check on shopping carts might be in order, since for the past several times, my cart had at least one wheel that simply would not turn.

As for your greeting card section, it became apparent to me this evening that unless you are a child of 6 years or less, a daughter or married, finding an appropriate Father's Day card is near impossible. I did end up purchasing a card for my father at your store which had a reasonable sentiment, however it was laden with scripture, which goes completely against my better judgment. I'm quite sure this is part of an elaborate religious right scheme by your company which has yet to be uncovered. Further more, I felt the need to explain my selection to the check-out associate as he looked over my card by saying "It's the only one I could find." I'd prefer if next time he didn't read my purchases.

While on the topic of checking out. Perhaps a more rigorous enforcement of the "20 items or less" policy could be considered. The pair of less than savory women in two-size-too-small denim short shorts bought well over their fair 20 items in skimpy swim suits and black "Peace Love and Elmo" tank tops (side bar: you may consider pulling those from the shelves completely) while shamelessly flirting with the aforementioned sales associate held the line for much longer than necessary. Which not only annoyed me, but also the young father and two screaming toddler girls behind me, who in turn annoyed me even further.

And to the Tropicana company, please restock the organic apple and pear juice. It is my favorite, and I get very angry at WalMart for not carrying it.

Also, WalMart, your brand new "McCafe" isn't fooling anyone. It's clearly a McDonald's with a better decor and a coffee machine that congests the entrance to your store.

I do hope you take my suggestions into consideration, as you will undoubtedly suck me back into your low priced web again.

Oh, and I saw a mother and her son in the cereal aisle eat all the chicken fingers they just picked up from the deli and threw the container away without paying.


Cyclops said...

This post brings back the anger that just took me 2 days to get over.

JJB said...

Dear Drewby,

I just guffawed loudly in my cube, thanks to your sidebar on the Peave Love and Elmo tank tops.



drewby said...

Scoots, I get pissy every time I go there.

Jen-nay, thanks for using "guffawed".