Tuesday, August 28, 2007

With Only Three Words

1. Where is your cell phone? on the table

2. Your girlfriend/boyfriend/hubby? will be foreign

3. Your hair? slowly falling out

4. Where is your father? sleeping at home

6. Your favorite thing to do? party with friends

7.Your dream last night? nightmare about school

8. Your favorit drink? ice cold beer

9. Your dream car? i can't afford

10. The room you’re in? cozy living room

12. Your fears? snakes mustard birds

14. Who did you hang out with last night? me, myself, I

15. What aren’t you good at? not buying shit

16. Muffins? Israeli Palestinian Conflict

17. One of your wish list items? trip to Peru

18. The last thing you did? prepared for school

19. What are you wearing? blue swooshy pants

20.Your pet? dead Beta fish

21. Your computer? thin Dell laptop

22.Your life? never ending comedy

23. Your mood? a little anxious

24. Missing? my summer vacation

25. What are you thinking about right now? I need laid

26. Your car? love my aztek

27. Your work? currently in jeopardy

28. Your summer? where'd it go?

29. Your relationship status? happily living single

30. Your favorite color(s)? yellow, blue, green

31. When is the last time you laughed? thirty seconds ago

32. Last time you cried? because it hurt

33. School? is my life

1 comment:

JJB said...

Did you intentionally delete #s 5, 11, and 13? Questions too personal to answer?

For #31 were you laughing at Israeli Palestinian Conflict Muffins? Me too. One of the great things about you & me, we can both amuse ourselves.