In my boredom the other day, I happened upon a fun website called "
Learning To Love You More" which is an interactive website which gives you assignments to perform. Some examples are "Make an encouraging banner" or "Draw an constellation from someone's freckles". Readers submit a picture, video or text of their completed assignment. They are then posted online. I think this is an awesome idea, and decided to complete one of the assignments. I probably will not submit it, but I think there would be some fun things to do. The one I chose to do is number
60, "Write a press release about an everyday event". I have to admit, this is a direct idea steal from a friend's blog who wrote about this website, which made me check it out. She also wrote a press lease and submitted and blogged it. Thus, I have no original ideas. However, I did write about a different topic. Mine reads more like a news segment script from the 6 o'clock news, which I think makes it funnier, but I picture video clips and reporters with it. Below is my press release.
Local Man Succumbs to Addiction.
“Sometimes you forget, and that’s when the craving gets intense…” is what one local man has to say about an incredible journey he won’t soon forget. “…that’s when you just have to do it.”
Early Sunday afternoon was business as usual in a bustling northern suburb. One man, (who will be referred to as Joe Camel to protect his identity) had just come home from his weekly grocery shopping. “I had just pulled in my driveway and began to unload my groceries. I had no idea this would have happened to me.” Once he was unpacked and was ready to begin a lazy afternoon, terror struck. “I sat down on my couch, and it hit me, I couldn’t believe it.” But believe it he soon did when he realized one very grave item he forgot to pick-up; his cigarettes. “I checked my pack on the counter, and was horrified. I completely forgot to buy more cigarettes. This just doesn’t happen to me.”
A faithful consumer of Camel Special Lights, Camel never likes to find himself without his guilty vice. He immediately sprung into action, and had to make a quick, very important decision. To go or not to go? But Camel already knew the answer. “I didn’t have time to react. I knew it was now, or an hour from now when I really wouldn’t want to go back out. So I did what anyone in my situation would do. Drove back to Sheetz.”.
“Sometimes you forget, and that’s when the craving gets intense, that’s when you just have to do it.” And do it he did, in a big way. “I decided to go for it and just buy the carton. That way, I’ll have back up if this ever is to happen again…God forbid.”
“It’s nice to hear the joke in his voice. It’s almost as if nothing happened. ” says a neighbor. “He made a quick recovery, I’m real proud of him”.
It’s hard to believe that this could happen to someone, but if you ever find yourself in this situation, Camel has one piece of advice for you: buy the carton.
1 comment:
I totally pictured Keith Jones interviewing you for the story.
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