Dirty Sexy Money (ABC Wednesdays @10)

Besides having the best TV title since The Flying Nun, it also stars Peter Krause, someone I became quite intrigued with during my Johnny-come-lately fling with Six Feet Under. In this series, he plays a snippy attorney who becomes a family's personal lawyer. Men's Journal says "TV doesn't need another wealthy, dysfunctional family, but an exception can be made for one that melds the Kennedys with the Hiltons and includes Donald Sutherland." And I couldn't agree more.
Cavemen (ABC Tuesdays @ 8)
I know, I know. But I have been looking forward to this series for some time now. The Geico cavemen commercials have always been a guilty pleasure of mine, and now that they have their own series I have to watch. At least until the overly played out culture gap becomes too much to bear.

Although it might be a tad melodramatic, the preview for this soap-operaesque series looks pretty good. (BTW, spell-check for that word suggests Kafkaesque. That's a real word?) Starring Jimmy Smits, Nestor Carbonell (who played the hunky gay guy on Suddenly Susan, if it's not too painful to remember that show) and a flock of other Latino sounding actors , I think this drama about a Cuban family running a rum business will be a hit. A review online compares it to a modern Godfather. Good enough for me!

Flipping Out (Bravo Tuesdays @ 10)
Not necessarily a brand new show, since it premiered earlier this summer, but an entertaining one none the less. This new reality show follows the life of extremely anal and OCD Jeff Lewis, a seemingly very successful house flipper in CA. Not only are his strange habits entertaining enough, but the rest of his employees, friends and ex-boyfriend turned business partner make it worth the watch.
These, along with my NBC favorites like The Office, Scrubs and 30 Rock should make this fall's TV viewing pretty enjoyable!
freedom fries, now Suddenly Susan, i'm in awe
i got the first season of 30 rock on dvd from netflix, watched 4 episodes last night...loved it.
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