I agree to meet a friend from work at a bar this afternoon. He approaches the bar:
Me: "Where the hell have you been? I'm half drunk already."
Friend: "Ok, you wanna kick me in the nuts?"
Me: "No fucking shit! Congratulations!"
Friend: "Ok, you wanna kick me in the nuts?"
Me: "No fucking shit! Congratulations!"
Give up? That's how he told me he and his wife are having a baby. I love how normally when that news is broken it's exciting and emotional, but somehow most things with me seem to lack a certain class and social standard. I also wish there were no background to that story, and that was the typical way to tell friends you're expecting. But, as the story goes, when he told me a while back that he and his wife were thinking about having a kid, I blankly said the day he tells me he is having a child I will inflict said pain onto him because that means it would be the beginning of the end. In all actuality, I'm quite happy for him, and I didn't kick him, but it got me to thinking today, "Why am I so anti-baby?"
I don't hate children, I don't even hate babies. I do, however, get annoyed when they're whining, crying or running around their upstairs apartment like a maniac while their neighbor below is attempting to relax and do some blogging while trying his absolute hardest not to flip shit and start screaming through the ceiling, but I wouldn't say I hate them. I also know that at the end of the day, kids are going home to their families, and I'm going home to my quiet and relaxing place, devoid of all Pack and Plays and Hannah Montana dvds.

I've never really wanted children, and the older I get the stronger my convictions become about raising a child. As I've said before, I spend my entire day with other people's kids, why would I want to come home to my own. "But you'll feel differently once you have one" seems to be a popular rebuttal. Excuse me, did you just hear what I said? I said I'm not having one. I don't doubt that you do feel differently about a child once you have one, because you have one. I don't necessarily feel like I needed the Reese's peanut butter egg I just ate, but I felt differently because I had one sitting on my counter.
I don't mean to sound cynical against people who want to have children. In fact, I have had several fleeting thoughts of fatherhood. Some that have downright freaked me out. But they have been just that, fleeting. Perhaps it's my age and the fact that I'm not close to settling down just yet, but I've always felt that I want to live my life as my own, and not be responsible for anyone else. I'm a bit too selfish at this stage in the game to be worried about anyone else. And I swear to God if they don't quit running upstairs I'm going to loose my shit.
First, using the label MORNING AFTER PILL...Nice. Second, getting that news from a friend (when you feel as we do) is bittersweet. You know the friendship will probably have to change, at least a little bit, because of the friend's new responsibilities, but as you said, you're happy for the person because presumably they have made a conscious decision to breed. Our friends will understand our quiet, annoyed-at-times happiness for them & our use of words like "breed" when referring to their choices; I just wish I would stop hearing the "just wait" sentiments from the same friends & family & acquaintances. Wait for what? My brain to go to mush? I know what I want. And I want what I want. Deal. (A little too angry?)
I never wanted a child before my biological clock told me that I'd be missing out in life if I did not experience motherhood. That's how I had a child at the ripe age of 34.
This said, I really do not care for other people's children. I only love my own daughter, and I do not like little kids at all. They are loud and annoying, and always want to watch the same lame DVD twenty thousand times in row (that's why I tried to keep Claire away from bad kids' DVDs, but there were still some that I couldn't avoid...).
I would like to figure into the conception of children someday. There's a lot I need to have in line first, so it will be a while. I definitely respect yinz's thoughts on breeding, but I also would like to see you guys raise some children someday. My reason is very simple, you guys are smart and it would be advantageous for the next generation if you would bring up some kids who learn from you and can think as well. There are too many stupid ass people breeding who contribute children who are just as stupid as them. In an environment of survival, these people wouldn't make it but since we have trailers and Mcdonalds, the kids survive to adulthood and breed themselves. I don't want to seem like a bell ringer for the Salvation Army, but; please help the gene pool.
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