In honor of Good Friday, it's tasteless offensive joke time!!!
In the interest of taking the road of least offensiveness and knowing when to call it quits, I'll let the joke stand on it's own.

Not to be outdone by an early Good Friday, yesterday was also Purim. Happy Belated Purim. For yin'z Gentiles that might not know, check it. According to the article, "Gaily wrapped baskets of sweets, snacks and other foodstuffs given as mishloach manot on Purim friends and teachers." My gay Purim baskets must still be in the mail.
Yesterday at the folk's house was all a buzz in preparation for the festivities. I had to prepare the plastic eggs for the Easter egg hunt today (not impressed) and today was also the day of coloring eggs. Easter egg coloring has never been something I really enjoy, but usually tolerate. My father totally digs coloring eggs, for reasons yet to be discovered, and my nieces get a kick out of it. My only excitement for the whole process is opening the coloring kit boxes first and removing all stickers, shrink wraps or any other traces of a cross or the word Jesus before anyone notices. Speaking of which, another Easter tradition is the white chocolate cross everyone receives from my mother in a basket. I'll post a pic, as I'm sure I'll get one.

In other Easter news, I consumed my first whole hard boiled egg yesterday. It was alright, but I'm not sure I'd do it again. I've eaten hard cooked eggs before, but never just sat down to munch a whole one. Check that off my list.
Note: I had taken several pictures to illustrate my excitement around the house this weekend, but my camera is being a bastard. Maybe next time.
I hope everyone has a rockin' Resurrection Eve!
I just can't stop giggling over the blog title. And couple it with the safe word joke (which never, ever, ever gets old), I'm just a gigglefest right now.
Just googled "offensive Easter jokes" & found this:
Jesus walks into the Hilton hotel with 3 nails and says, "Can you put me up for Easter?"
Got to check out the "offensive Easter jokes" site!
Have a very happy Easter, my very least favorite holiday of all - in fact, I do not even celebrate it at all anymore - no dyed eggs for me, no Easter ham or whatever people traditionally eat on Easter Sunday.
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