The more I live in the this area, the more I'm understanding and adapting to the Pittsburgh way, but I'm not sure I'm even close to becoming a real "Pittsburgher". I actually think this title is completely unattainable to me for several reasons: I don't particularly like or watch the Steelers, ahem "Stillers", I think ketchup is disgusting (I don't care if it IS Heinz), and I'm not all that fond of Primanti sandwiches ahem "sammitches". I do however marvel at the Pittsburgh accent and usually wat

My whole point of this post, actually, was to draw attention to a local commercial that seems to be running a lot lately for Isley's chipped-chopped ham. First of all, I'm not completely sold on anything with the phrase chipped-chopped, but the commercial gets me every time. At the end, a Pittsburgh local describes his love affair with the ham as "fluffy and wonderful". I'm IN! Get me to a deli ASAP. Unfortunately I'm having difficulty finding the commercial to post.