April Fool's Day is upon us, and to my disappointment, I neither received or pulled any good pranks again this year. Usually on April 1, I have at least a minor joke to play on someone. Usually the recipient is my mother, as today is her birthday. (My two personal favorites are the time I told her I discovered I father a child several years earlier and the time I filled her car completely with helium balloons at her work while she was working) It always shocked me that she fell for the jokes every time and never seemed to expect it. You would think that at some point, one would catch on. But alas, perhaps I'm becoming a little too grown up for my liking, or, even more likely, just become lazy or apathetic, no jokes this year.
Instead of the birthday prank for my mother, I decided to send her some flowers to her work via FTD. I had never sent flowers through FTD before, and simply assumed that the o

rder was forwarded to the nearest FTD florist of the recipient. So, I logged on to the website, browsed for a while, and $75 later I had purchased my mother some birthday flowers (at right). Completely outrageously priced birthday flowers might I add. I was a little thrown off yesterday afternoon when I received an FTD e-mail notification telling me "my order had been shipped". When my mom called this afternoon to tell me she had gotten the flowers, and absolutely loved them (I would hope she does for the price, but really, this is the same woman who raved when I made her mud sandwiches and would put dandelions I picked in a centerpiece vase on the dining room table), but she couldn't understand why they came so elaborately packed in a box from California! I payed out the ass to have flowers shipped all the way across the country! Perhaps next time, I'll call a local florist where my mom lives.
Happy April Fool's Day Fools!
I would advise that, next time, you check the yellow pages for a reputable florist located close to your mother's place of employment, and order from that florist. That's what I do most of the time. Services like FTD are really outrageously expensive. There's another one, nationwide service that is very good, but the name escapes me.
Of course, I have had flowers and champagne sent to my mother and her husband at ridiculous prices before...
Does your Mom read the blog? I sure hope so.
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