Thursday, April 3, 2008

Understand The Risks, See The Benefits

I am a true creature of habit, especially in the morning. One thing different, and it has the potential to throw my entire day off. My early morning routine consists of shower, getting dressed, watching the morning news while drinking coffee. Because of my strict morning agenda, I've also noticed a few other morning routines that have totally pissed me off. And, as usual, they are minute and insignificant.

The first morning peeve is the Nelly song about the Applebottom jeans and the boots with the fur, (the name escapes me) which is played almost ritualistically at 6am every morning on the only radio station I can tune into on my shower radio. Having music in the shower seems to help me wake up, and I generally like the station, however I can almost sense the song coming before it even starts, and I have to shut off the radio before it gets to the inane chorus.

Number two is this annoying and ridiculously long Celebrex commercial. The first time I saw it several months ago, I thought it was a joke. Not only is the commercial almost 3 minutes long, it's incredibly dull and grating. I'm not sure if the lady calmly rambling about pain medication myths or the scrolling text that forms into outdoor scenes annoys me more. But what is for certain, the non-stop repetition of the same mellow guitar riff is enough to send me over the edge. I see the commercial every morning during the local news break, and I have to immediately change the channel. I usually try to pop back to the news when I think enough time has passed, but I'm generally off and end up catching the last 20 seconds of this bullshit commercial. Check it out if you're interested, but only if you've got some time to kill.


KATI said...

My ring tone is the "Apple Bottom Jeans" song!! I've been meaning to change it because it's driving me CRAZY! But don't you worry, I'll keep it for when you call me as your ID ring..... so I'll only hear it twice a year! ;o) Call me bitch! Miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cyclops said...

Haha, I believe the song is "low" by Flo-rida, get it? Those crazy kids are so ridiculous by hyphenating Florida! My routine is pretty similar only I watch the news at noon instead of the 5 or 6am since my shift is 3:30-midnight.....sans Celebrex commercial. I need to come storm the gates of castle some weekend here since I won't be working weekends for a little while.

JJB said...

My morning routine today -- making sure the DVR was set to record the New Kids on the Block reunion on the Today show. Holla!


Tag, you're it.

Elisabeth said...

I was pretty much determined to last and to watch that commercial to the end (I had never seen it before), but I had to shut it off. It is beyond annoying!