¡Feliz Cinco de mayo a Ustedes! Normally I would call for a rousing trip to the cantina to sling back some margaritas and burritos, but I'm afraid my fiesta blood is flowing a little slowly today. I had THE absolute worst night of sleep last night, and I'm not exactly sure why. I went to bed around the normal time of 11pm last night and laid awake, WIDE awake until about 4:45 am. Just in time to catch a few winks before my 5:30 wakeup call. Needless to say, I'm in no mood for parties and have become a basic walking zombie for the day. In order to feel like I somewhat celebrated the holiday today however, I treated myself to a Corona after work with a colleague (never TOO tired for beer) went and got some sushi take out (unfortunately not feeling the Mexican fare tonight) and retired almost immediately to my bed. I took a nice nap, and feel a little better now, but hope that my little bout of insomnia doesn't become habitual.
In other Cinco de mayo news, a local news station, in honor of the holiday, aired a running strip along the bottom of the screen during their early morning and late afternoon broadcasts claiming that today is "Mexico's Independence Day" and compared it to the 4th of July. As I'm sure you all know (and if you don't, you would most certainly look it up before broadcasting it on cable television) that in fact Mexico's Independence Day is NOT
el cinco de mayo but rather
el dieciseis de septiembre and today commemorates something quite different. Perhaps
Mary Lou Rosenmeyer from Kennywood tipped them off to this bit of misinformation. Yet again, our local news source working for you!
¡Que tengan un buen y feliz cinco de mayo!
I completely missed Cinco de mayo, but I have to admit that my mind is usually not geared toward our southern neighbor.
Sorry to read about that bad bout with insomnia - I deal with insomnia on a daily basis (not as badly as you did two nights ago, but I regularly wake up, for an average of two hours, any time between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m. - no fun at all!).
I also agree that one is never too tired for beer!
That's the worst, not falling asleep until 45 minutes before you must get up. Hopefully not something you'll have to deal with again. I usually go to bed around 3am (The Witching Hour, haha) and I always wake up around 6:30 or 7am, then just go back to bed. I don't know why this is, maybe just a leftover from when I had to get up at that time. Leave it to the news to say something like that about Cinco de Mayo. It makes me cringe that someone who is in front of tons of people wouldn't do their research.
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