It looks like Rick Sebak will have some new Kennywood memories to rant about on the next PBS special. Complete with serapes and maracas. Oh wait, those are Mexican not Spanish. I'm just trying to be silly. In case you haven't heard, Kennywood is being bought by a Madrid-based company called "Parques Reunidos". And, according to the news, this company buys and owns amusement parks all over the world. Being a Pittsburgh implant, I've never really shared the nostalgic passion for Kennywood as many of my cohorts do. Yeah, the Racer's cool, Potato Patch fries...whatever, Noah's Ark...creepy. I've actually only ever been there a handful of times, but every time I've gone, it's been enjoyable. So, I can see why some people who grew up with "Kennywood Memories" might be a bit miffed by the sellout. However on Channel 4 news yesterday afternoon, Mary Lou Rosemeyer, spokesperson for the park, set all the Yinzers at ease (or at least the racist ones) when she assured Pittsburgh that they do not expect big changes in the park. No they do not expect it "
to become a giant taco stand", end quote. Thanks for the careless and stereotypical comment Mar! Well, it would be stereotypical if tacos were Spanish. I think the comment might have been a little snappier, maybe even laughable had it been a paella (or pie-ella) stand. Or even a tapas bar. But a taco stand? I'm sorry Mary, I thought you were in public relations. I thought it was your job to speak to the public. Oh, it is? Get a new job. In her defense, she apologized later that day, and claimed it was meant to be a silly and lighthearted comment. Which, I don't doubt it was meant to be. However, it was careless AND stupid. I mean, if you're going to make a mildly offensive ethnic joke on public television, at least get the punch line right.
Yeah, that was a stupid comment. We all have our own little stereotypical views, but when you're in the public eye, the censor must be affixed tightly to the brain/larynx combination. Especially, as you said, in public relations.
I do have all of those Kennywood Memories (and a crush on Rick Sebak, but that's a different post altogether), but changes were already made before the sale. It wasn't the same as when I was growing up. Maybe I'll blog about those memories soon. Yinzers are proud of their ignorance; it's part of their culture. Mary Lou is apparently no exception.
Now, for a pie-ella stand, you have no idea what I'd give up...
In Mary Lou's defense. How many people in this city have ever left the country (or even the state for that matter). Television has never taught us that Spainish and Mexican are diffferent things. My Chimichangas always come with a side of SPAINISH rice, of course tacos come from Spain. I challenge you to prove it otherwise.
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