Friday, November 9, 2007

Ahh The Multiple Family Dwelling Life...

This morning on my way out to run some errands, (how I wish I could say on my way out for my morning jog or something of the like. Sounds much better doesn't it?) I noticed yet another magnetic character added to the mailbox diorama in my hallway. I find these figures a complete riot and wish I knew who put them there. There are no kids living in my building full time, but none of my neighbors seem to know the culprit, or at least are not willing to own up to the deed. I really enjoy that they are mail carries and one over sized armadillo looking creature. Maybe it's my mail carrier herself, which would also be funny, in fact, probably funnier. I think this afternoon before I leave I'm going to place the figures in a compromising pose and see what happens. I'll update with pictures.

In other apartment living news, a picture frame was knocked right off my living room table because my downstairs neighbors are BLASTING a Johhny Cash CD. I think it's time I have a little chat with my classic country friends.


JJB said...

loves the diorama. can't wait for updates. and i love that you are blogging mid-day, perhaps the only plus to the whole strike thing? johnny cash? meh. you wouldn't have minded it if it was acoustic "laid" by james.

Anonymous said...

Man, it takes some major loudness to knock down a picture, especially from Johny Cash.

drewby said...

Well, in their defense the picture was half teetering anyway. But nonetheless the music was too loud.

Welcome Frank, and thanks for reading!