It's already that time of year, and somehow it always seems that I'm taken completely by surprise that it's Christmas. I'm heading up to visit my family for a week today and still can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I have, however, made my place look a bit festive for the holidays. Even though I am vehemently against the commercial and religious ideals of the holiday, I seem to fall into the cycle every year for the sake of tradition. Plus I do like having a Christmas tree and decorations around my place. It makes it feel a bit more homey and comfortable. I believe this impulse for Christmas decorations comes to me also from my parents, who always have the most lavish and beautiful Christmas decorations up for at least two months. My mother, who has mellowed considerably over the past few years, has always been unreasonably picky about her Christmas trees. Although they are always very beautiful, my father, sister and I were never really allowed to touch the tree or help decorate, and if we did, it was always under

her strict supervision. The family tree, usually a concolor fir that smells like oranges, is typically loaded with clear lights and covered in crystals which makes it look like it's dripping with ice. Very pretty and show stopping no doubt, but not child friendly nor practical. To this end, we usually had a second tree in the other room which my sister and I could decorate anyway we wanted. Usually w

ith tinsel, colored lights and old-school ornaments. My own tree at my place is just as delightfully tacky and pretty much suits me. It's a hodgepodge of representative ornaments, with the underlying theme or chili peppers. Most of the ornaments have a Latin American or Spanish theme, from the glass mariachi band, to the chilipeppers with faces saying "Feliz Navidad". It also has colored chili pepper lights, with the tree topper a large bunch of chilis. The newest addition this year is the bubble lights, which I was quite excited about. Also around my place I've put up my nutcrackers which are a mariachi band member and a bull fighter, my two favorite Christmas decorations, as well as wreaths made of old book pages, a different twist on Christmas decos. What are some of your holiday decorating traditions? Even though in a week it will be time to take it all down, it's nice to have your home feel festive for a little while.
Hey, Andy - Have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas, and may 2008 bring you its very finest. Thanks for the card. I am still a bit behind on mine, but you're on my list!
As I read this it brings back a fond memory of Christmas past....We must of been in 3rd or 4th grade and I came to visit one evening while your Mom was decorating your elaborate Christmas tree, and she told us we could make ornaments of our own out of Playdoh! We successfully rolled the dough into balls and then decided that it needed to be harder, and that's when we had what we thought was an brillant idea!!....putting the Playdoh in the microwave in an aluminum bread pan! I don't think I have ever seen your Mom so mad at us!! hahahha!!
Can't wait to see you!
I think I am going to search for new ornaments in the after-Christmas shopping this year. I love my silver tree, but I think I need a change from just the teal & blue balls. (haha, I said "blue balls.")
I hope you have a safe trip today & a wonderful holiday with your family.
where did you end up getting your wrapping paper? all of the packages look good. and the paper wreath, very cool. handy andy creation?
It seems like all these traditions are lost to me now, but I just think their sleeping, haha. Over the past few years, my mother has completely commandeered all indoor decorating activities. Unlike your mother, who has mellowed, my mom has gotten wild and crazy about the size, number and the holidays on which she puts up decorations. I do have fond memories from when I was younger. Me and my brother were responsible for hanging ornaments on the lower part of the tree and placing decorations anywhere we could. Living in a small, one bedroom apartment, you could imagine how close the four of us were. I guess I'll see what I carry along when I decorate my own apartment next Christmas and I suppose a lot of family traditions come back once you have children of your own.
Merry Christmas Andrew!
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