Today, one of my students gave me a CD he said he particularly liked, and thought I would enjoy it also because some of their songs are in French. I don't really know this kid very well, because my class just began two weeks ago, but he's seems like the kind of person I would take music advice from. (even if he is some 12 years younger than me). And I was right. The disc is "Emperor Tomato Ketchup" by
Stereolab, a band I have never heard of before, which possibly makes me really uncool. They've been called "one of the most fiercely independent and original groups of the nineties" and have a pretty extensive article on
Wikipedia. The band, made up of both English and French members, has a mellow yet upbeat quasi-techno sound that I really like, and about 5 of the 13 songs on this particular album are in French. I think my favorite song is "Metronomic Underground", which I can't find a good version to share here, but look it up if you get a chance.
I can't believe I've never heard of them before, and it took a teenager to open my eyes to them. But, I'm glad he did, it's definitely some good and different jamming music.
you can find some songs to play/embed on skreemr.com. cool stuff. don't go getting too indie on the outside; we won't be able to be friends anymore.
I've heard of Stereolab but never listened to their music, I'll have to check them out. I'm in agreement with Jen-nay, though.
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