Since I have one of the few jobs that permits me to stay home and cozy when the weather is bad, I decided to make my day off today a productive one and do a little cleaning. Nothing major, just some tidying, which I wanted to do this week anyway because my parents are coming down for a visit on Friday, and I hate to have them come to a dirty place. As I began cleaning I was overwhelmed with the sheer amount of
stuff I have in my apartment. I am, and always have been, a pack rat, which is one characteristic about myself of which I'm beginning to get quite annoyed. Perhaps "Pack Rat" isn't the most accurate description, since I like to have things tidy and everything does have it's place, but more "Collector of Shit". (However, according to
this survey, I'm a "Pack Rat in Training".) I have always had way more stuff than I need, and my living spaces have usually looked more like a TGI Friday's than a home. In my modest apartment, for example, I have 9 clocks, 3 different sets of drinking classes, 2 sets of coasters, 10 lamps, tons of books and countless knick-knacks all over the place. My problem is that I don't know when to quit buying shit or get rid of old things I don't particularly like anymore. Under the futon in my spare room is packed with framed pictures and art that I just don't have wall space for or don't like anymore. But I refuse to get rid of them. Most of the items collecting dust somewhere around here I won't get rid of either because I do genuinely like them, even if there is no space for them, or they have some sort of sentimental attachment which prevents me from throwing them away. I do have to say that I love my place and the decor of each room, but at times it gets overwhelming to think about the massive amounts of
things I have to pack up if and when I ever move. To the naked eye my place looks neat and not so bad, but open any drawer of closet door, and you have to protect your eyes from projectiles flying out because they are so jammed full. A friend once told me her mantra in life was "Simplify", simplify your life from things, people and situations you don't need. I love this idea, and am going to try to practice that with my collection of accouterments, just as soon as I can bear to give one of them up.
I thoroughly enjoy the decor of your apartment and haven't once thought that you were a "pack rat". You are indeed, an illusionist. I can definitely understand your problem with collecting and not wanting to throw stuff away. I do a similar thing where I hide things out of view so it gives the appearance of order. BTW, the only club I was a member of in high school was the collectors club. (insert long, silent pause here for reflection on the absolute depths of loserdom I reached in high school). So that being said, I have a problem with collecting, but like you, I try to create a situation where the my clutter and I can live in a "don't see, don't know" type of relationship. If I don't see it, I don't know it's there.
Being a pack rat during Lent, aka giving up giving up shit, is the most Christian thing one can do. Yeaaaaah Jesus! Jesus is so happy that there are rainbows shooting out of his hands.
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