The latter half of this week has been a tumultuous one, dear readers. The beginning of the week seemed like any other. Mundane, trying and and I found myself vying for Friday. Flash-forward to Wednesday 6:40 am. Just like any other Hump Day, I grabbed my coat and coffee and trudged to my car in the cold. I began driving out of my housing plan when, to my surprise two local police cars began flashing their lights to pull me over. Knowing that it couldn't have been for speeding, my initial reaction was "WTF?!". Two police officers proceeded to shine their flashlights all through my vehicle, and tell me that my car matched a description of one that drove away with approximately $40 worth of gas last week at a local gas station. Knowing that it wasn't me, but too shocked/scared to defend myself my only reply was "OK". With that he took my license and registration and went back to the squad car to run my plates. "Your plate numbers seem to match" when he came back, "it's no coincidence". Enter extreme panic and me shitting my pants. The officer instructed me to stop by the station on Friday evening for some questioning, and sent me on my way. OK, thanks. So I spent three entire days stewing and stressing convinced that I was going to jail for something I couldn't possibly have done! I scrambled to find every gas receipt for the past 12 months and tried to retrace my steps in the past month.
I did go last night to meet with the officer, and sure enough he had a picture of my car at the gas station with my license plate number the gas attendant gave him. Luckily, I had a receipt of payment for that date and time, which proved this was some horrid mistake. I was hugely relieved, but it doesn't change the fact that I was shitting my pants for three days solid over this. Moral to the story, save all receipts and always pay for your gas. I think some celebratory partying is in store this weekend since I'm so relieved none of my friends had to bake me a cake with a file in it this week.
Are you kidding me! I wonder what would have happened if you didn't have that receipt? You taught me a lesson Mr. Russell... save the receipts for more than a day. I usually grab the receipt and either throw it on the floor, OR shove it in my purse to be later thrown away.
P.S. I miss you!!!!!!!
I'd sue the hell out of the gas station that alerted the cops to your "non-payment" of your gasoline. They fucked up majorly, and should bleed profusely for having done this. I think that it's their turn to shit their pants, don't you think? (The least you can do is write them a letter, asking for compensation for undue stress.)
Thanks for the advice, from now on, I will be saving all of my gas receipts.
Wow, that is quite the experience. I guess I'm with you in wondering how you showed up as a "drive off" when you paid. You'd think they would double check their records as well.
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