Since I had no work again today, I decided that take the opportunity to run some random errands I have been putting off lately. I didn't leave my place at all yesterday, therefore, quite a bit of snow had accumulated on my car. After about 15 minutes of brushing and huffing, I decided to brush off my elderly neighbor's car, who obviously hadn't left home in a while either, while mine warmed up. Nice guy move #1. Later on, I went to the ever-dreaded Wal-Mart to get some random things, including a DVD my niece had asked me for for her birthday. When I got in the car, I had realized the cashier didn't charge me for the movie. In light of my recent run-in with the local police, I decided to go back in and bring the mistake to their attention. Something I definitely wouldn't have done had I not been paranoid about being a criminal lately. Nice guy move #2. Upon leaving the store a second time, a former student of mine told me I looked "Fly in a baseball hat". Ok, thanks. His mother also thanked me in a short conversation for being a positive adult influence in his life. Nice guy sort-of-move #3.
Not-so-nice guy move #1 today: I didn't call the person under me on the snow cancellation phone chain this morning because I didn't want to get out of bed.
Not-so-nice guy move #2: I went to Sheetz for gas today, and scornfully scanned

all the workers in case they were the one to inaccurately call in my plate numbers.
When I got home today, I decided to finish cleaning the rest of my place, and cleaned the bathrooms and re-organized my closet. I also wanted to re-organize my sweaters. When I hauled them all out I almost threw up at the number of them I own. I think it's high time for a clothing clean out.
Don't pack those sweaters away yet...its still your favorite season! It's sweater weather!
I hate you teachers. Not only are you complicit in making our children stupid, but you also get days off because of the weather. I might as well have parked my truck and cross-country skied up Rt. 28 on Tuesday morning.
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