Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Quick Rundown Of The Weekend

  • I watched the bartender breathe fire last night as I drank my "Flaming Dr. Pepper". Both were a sublime experience.
  • A girl asked me for a condom at the bar last night. I bashfully told her I didn't have one on me, to which she replied, "You look like you'd use them all the time". Ok, thanks. ( I think) And to that I said "I don't use them period. It just feels better without."
  • In order to not to have a complete claustrophobic panic attack at the tiny packed bar, Dee and I became the only bad asses bump and grind dancing in the entire place. Yeah, we looked like assholes, but at that point in the night, who cares?
  • I was offered a challenge at Denny's at 3 a.m. that if I could order the "Lumberjack Slam" with a straight face it would be free. Offer extended, offer rejected.
  • Dee found a piece of raw meat, about a half an inch big in her "Everything Omelette" this morning. Raw meat in breakfast = comped food and free muffins.
  • A nice quiet hang-over breakfast directly next to a table of two families with a whopping total of 8, yes count them EIGHT, children all under the age of 4 is not as fun as it sounds. At the end of their meal, one youngster's diaper was leaking so badly he made a puddle on the chair. Nice.
  • It took me well over an hour to pick up a few groceries this morning. Silly me, I forgot about the church rush at Wal-Mart.
How was Yinz's weekend?


Cyclops said...

Sounds like a pretty interesting weekend. You know, I would have definitely been one of the assholes out there bump dancing at the end of the night with yinz. I lose all self-respect when it's the end of the night and I'm drunk. My weekend was pretty blah, with some laundry and guitar playing. I'm feeling a need to do some of that drinking and bump and grind dancing this next weekend coming up.

Elisabeth said...

Now I know that I am totally square, period, since:
1. I have never asked a stranger at a bar if he had a condom on him.
2. I have never been asked by a stranger at a bar if I had a condom on me (I never do.)

Gah! Raw meat in the omelette, that is absolutely disgusting! I do have a profound distrust of most restaurants (I think that I've read too many books about the restaurant business - Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential remains the best to me.

Have a fun-filled week. Hey, I get to be on some sort of extended break after this week is over!