- First, and sadly probably most exciting, a middle aged man called me a "greedy bastard" from his pickup truck yesterday. No matter how true that may be, he was a complete stranger and has no right making such assumptions without ever seeing just how greedy or bastardly I can be.
I'm very excited to see the new movie Elizabeth:The Golden Age. I can't remember the last time I went to the theater to see a movie, and it always seems like a fun novel thing to me. I need to get out more.
- I broke a very solemn vow I made to myself this weekend and watched Evan Almighty with my mother this weekend. Every time I see my her she brings up the movie, as a sort of insinuation that she wants me to watch it with her. So I broke down and watched it with her. Not bad, but I lost interest and fell asleep well before half way in.
- Along with the movie, I discovered a new decadent delight, Ben and Jerry's Crème Brûlé ice cream. A completely intense experience.
- After some heavy coercing and a guilt trip by my grandfather, I accompanied my parents to church on Sunday. The first time since Christmas at least, and quite possibly the last. Just when I thought I had
survived the worst of the service, the pastor pulls out the "anointing oils" and "praying chair" and turned the quiet little church into something off of the Cornerstone Broadcasting Network. Suffice it to say, I do not plan on going back for quite sometime, and my mother is well aware of that fact.
- Work is still currently nonexistent for me, and it appears it will stay that way for quite a while.
- My new favorite seasonal beer is Penn Brewery's Oktoberfest, thanks to a
fellow alchy out of work colleague.
- I'm currently watching the Law & Order SVU where Mark Paul Gosselaar is "gay for pay".
I think that's enough droning for now. More updates soon.
i heart random lists. let's make a praying chair for the halloweener party! or a gay-for-pay room upstairs!
Don't you have one of those rooms already?
well, yes, i guess i do
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