As Halloween quickly approaches, I'm reminded just how much I love this holiday. One of my favorite parts of the season is the sit-com Halloween specials. Although it's becoming more rare, some of the best Halloween episodes are currently playing on Nic At Nite. (Does anyone else remember when Nic At Nite was "Mr. Ed" and "I Dream of Genie"?) Growing up I used to look so forward to the Halloween episodes of some of my favorite shows, because they always had the coolest costumes, completely transformed their homes and had the best Halloween parties. I think the best sit-coms for Halloween shows were "Roseanne" and "Home Improvement". "The Simpsons" and "South Park" also have to be the best animated Halloween specials out there. Well, the best animated anything, really.
My personal favorite is the "Roseanne" episode below where Darlene is missing half an arm.
I also really enjoy this Halloween special from "Roseanne" season 4.
It's really a shame that this Halloween mania is becoming somewhat scarce. Although shows like "The Office" did a Halloween special, nothing quite compares to the intesity of the early 90's. (Nothing really compares to the sit-coms of the early 90's in general.)
What are some of your favorite Halloween TV moments?
Agreed. Roseanne certainly did it the best. I never watched 90210. Not even one full episode ever, but I also remember some sort of festivities at the Seaver household.
Roseanne with the Ghosts of Halloween Past, Present, Future. Becky's half dead Prom Queen costume. George Clooney as Booker at the party at the Lodge.
Or what about the episode of 90210 when Kelly is a sexy witch & almost gets raped? (Donna was a mermaid that couldn't walk.)
Growing Pains always seemed to do Halloween episodes, but I can't remember the specifics.
Agreed. Roseanne certainly did it the best. I never watched 90210. Not even one full episode ever, but I also remember some sort of festivities at the Seaver household.
I didn't know you had a blog. Got to add you to my blogroll! Lots of fun stuff here, but I have to get back to some pesky grading...
Hey! I'm glad you found me! This is just a place for me to vent random thoughts. Glad you're reading!
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