Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Recent Conversation...

between myself and a middle aged blue collar woman peddling maple sugar candies at the Meyersdale Maple Festival.

after paying for a bag of candy:

Woman: "You probably want a bag, since I see you don't have a purse."
Me: "Yeah, I left mine in the car."
Woman: "Oh, good. Because if you did, I would have to call security and say 'Look at this guy walking around with a purse!' Just like that man who's having a baby, and all that!"
Me: "Oh, can't have any of that at the Maple Festival."
Me (to Jen-nay and Julia): "Get me the fuck out of here."
Jen-nay: "I like my maple candy with a side of homophobia."


JJB said...

your six word memoir:

maple candy, with side of homophobia

Cyclops said...

That would definitely be a great title for drewby's memoir Jen-nay or Fred Phelps' dessert cookbook.

JJB said...

Other entries in the Phelps cookbook:

The Not-Black-and-White Cookie
Xenophobic Cheesecake (with or without strawberry topping)