I was just channel surfing and happened to stop on FOX news to catch
Geraldo Rivera sending off to a commercial in front of some war protesters. The story coming up after the break was, of course, about Sen. Craig and the bathroom scandal. To send off, he says "Up next, we'll be talking about gay sex in the men's room. I bet these protesters know a lot about gay sex in the men's room". Cut to a recreated clip of the bottom of a bathroom stall with a mans foot tapping and the caption read "Boom Boom Boom, Let's Go To The Men's Room". Outraged by what I heard and saw, I of course kept watching after the break, and it only got better. Coming back on an aerial view of the protesters, Geraldo said "We're back and so is the radical, some communisit group, no, I don't know who the hell they are." Who the FUCK is Gerlado Rivera, and where does he get off? Whether you agree with the protesters or not, isn't it the job of any good reporter to stay unbiased on all issues? (By the way, no other mention of the protest has been made, and all I can gather is that they are protesting there because FOX news set up there.) I guess that is what you should expect from the "fair and balanced" news station of FOX, but his comments just seem WAY out of line. To go on, he calls the group "One of the least attractive group of protesters I have ever seen". Really? GERALDO has the right of calling them unattractive?

The best part of the segment was the story about the sex scandal by
Laurie Dhue done completely in a men's public restroom mixed with dramatizations of what happened.
Instead of ranting and bitching about the absurdity of everything I just saw and heard, I'm going to let it speak for itself. The sad thing is, for a lot of America,
this is their only news source.
1 comment:
i think dirty hippy protestors & the bathroom two-step go well together (and i know you do too)
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