Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wanna Know How I Know You're Gay?

You like Coldplay. (and/or Chris Martin)

I know, I know ANOTHER music video post Drewby? But I just caught this new video on BET (yes, BET. And I also learned that you can catch "Different Strokes" there every day at 3) this afternoon and I'm loving the juxtaposition of Kanye West's pseudo-hard rap with Chris Martin's awesome voice and piano playing. Check it out, and let me know: is it just me or does Kanye's crotch seem to take an eerily leading role?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Jam I'm Currently Digging

Cold War Kids "Hang Me Up To Dry"

Hey Drewby, Take A Flying Leap...

into the 21st century.

After a failed attempt at getting a new cool phone, I made the purchase today of the enV2, which I think I may grow to love. Not only does it have a flip up full keyboard, but also a memory card I can plug into my laptop. So get ready for a barrage of picture posts and text message 'yinz!.

Monday, May 26, 2008

I made my way back to my hometown this holiday weekend to visit the family, and for the first time in a while, I had an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. I think the OT on family visiting coupled with seeing a few friends I hadn't seen in a while really made me miss the old town. However, my weekend was also filled with "This is why I moved" moments. This weekend was all a buzz in the sleepy town too, because it was the annual Memorial Day Jubilee! Yes I realize that it is probably the only place in the free world that still refers to something as a "Jubilee" (and they also have a Juneteenth celebration, but that's another post altogether). So not only did I get to witness a stellar fireworks display, I also got to participate in a 15 minute long parade and a chicken BBQ! I did also snag some awesome stuff for work from one of my oldest and bestests Kato (No, not Kalin).

Besides the awesome festivities, I worked like a bone fide indentured servant landscaping with my father this weekend. The bonding was nice, but the sunburn doesn't really seem worth it.

I also learned that my two neices have developed their own language, which totally fascinates me. A new vocabulary word I learned this weekend: "cheekin' " = kidding. I took this opportunity to introduce them to some Chutney Popcorn vocabulary as well. They now pronounce "chips and salsa" as "chulsa", and I actually taught them that "bear paw" is pronounced "burpah". However, their idea of a bear paw and the literal Chutney to English translation vary quite a bit, I didn't want to let them miss out on any language learning moment.

In other unrelated new, while sitting on my porch this evening, I witnessed a couple pull in and out of the same parking spot a total of 4 times to readjust the car. Then after the 4th attempt, a woman got out of the passenger seat, and directed him how to park, describing in inches how far the car was away from the curb. Please keep in mind this was NOT parallel parking, nor was their a car in the space next to it. Really?

I hope everyone had an excellent and Sucker-free Memorial Day weekend.

Busta Rhymes - Don't Touch Me

Found at

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

If I see one more card, sign, mug or plaque that says "The Tassel Was Worth The Hassle" I'm flipping shit on Hallmark Inc.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just when you thought all reality TV was scripted and you couldn't relate to the cast, MTV cranks out yet another teenage show stopper that has The Hills spitting out their chai lattes in disgust. The Paper, which I had the distinct pleasure of stumbling upon this evening, follows the life of a group of high school students, Cypress Bay high school students to be exact, through the twists, turns and perils of writing for a school newspaper. I ended up watching the entire episode, which I guess speaks volumes of my social life, and was disgusted yet sickly fascinated at the same time. Granted, I'm surely not the target audience for such a stomach turning program, but I mean really, MTV. Haven't we learned our lesson with "A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila"? The program includes, of course, the nerd, the jock, the indie girl, the awkward kid and the token gay guy. Don't everyday teenagers have enough drama already? The juicy plot line of the episode I was fortunate to catch was, and I quote, "Mrs. Weiss shakes up the seating arrangements in hopes it will bring harmony to the paper." I leave you with that.

Monday, May 19, 2008

On Guamalee Salad And Other Rants

I've been out of the blogging mode for quite some time, and have had a rather hot-cold relationship with the Peace Train as of late. Perhaps it's my social schedule that is keeping me from the blog or perhaps my lethargic and empathetic attitude toward just about everything except procrastination and alcohol. Either way, I need to snap out of it, and fast. I've decided to start yet another photo segment to my blog. I will be posting the first picture that appears on a Google image search to a word that sticks in my head or funny phrase. (Please feel free to contribute search ideas). I think these posts my prove to be quite interesting.

On a side note, on my way home from work everyday I pass an electronic announcement billboard which is placed there to alert of any upcoming roadwork or detours. However, as everyone in, near or remotely associated with the city is suffering from a Penguins victory hangover, the sign reads today "LET'S GO PEN'S!". This grammatical error magnified to 10 feet of flashing LCD lights is about to peak my annoyance meter. If it's not fixed by mid-week I'm calling PenDot.

The Jackson Cookout extravaganza was again a smashing sucess, replete with the surprise appearance of a man who was my roommate my sophomore year of high school in a summer camp. Youth Scholars Camp to be exact (insert "NEEERD" comment here Jen-nay). I had not seen this guy since then, and am actually quite surprised I made the connection enough to remember that we were in fact acquaintances.

Things I learned at the cookout:

  • Pre-packaged hamburger patties contain beef hearts.
  • In an underground version of "Friend/Fondle/Fuck/Watersports" I get watersports every time.
  • Everyone in China has a name that ends in "N". (No formal evidence to back this one up yet.)
  • Moms can still get down. (I plan on eating poppies with Mrs. J to get a buzz)
  • Ina Garten's recipes are perfect for easy-breezy East Hampton dinner parties AND keg parties.
  • Don't wear Magenta. Ever.
  • The difference between "STOOOORIIIES!" and "stoories = ( "

Monday, May 12, 2008

Ummm, Drewby...

Could you commit to something, please?

I have, in the past month, began and read the first 2 chapters (or so) of exactly five books. All of which have been sitting on my bookshelves. I have full intention of finishing them someday. When the time is right. Maybe this summer. Yes that's right, when I'm free in the summer, and can enjoy my books. Or was that my plan for these books last summer? No, it was the summer before, and I just haven't gotten around to it. Point is, I commit to nothing and procrastinate everything.

"But they're only books, Drewby" you might say. But, you see, it's much more than that. The books are only a catalyst to a bigger problem. As time goes on, I'm slowly learning more and more about myself, and lately I've discovered I'm a completely noncommittal person. (Except of course for my vices which I have absolutely no problem committing to). Take for example my love affair with studying and playing music. For a period in my life, I could think of nothing but playing music. I ate, slept and breathed playing Chopin nocturnes and thought I would do it for the rest of my life. Fast forward seven years and now I don't touch a keyboard unless it has the alphabet printed on it. I thought I would revive my music flare with the guitar, and although I haven't given up on it, there it sits, lonely and unplayed in the corner of my living room. My Italian classes started off with a bang, but fizzled somewhere in between ...due, tre, quattro... and Quanto costa un biglietto? Oh yeah, and that workout plan I devised and the exercise regime tapped to my spare room door? I'll be working on that. Just as soon as I get my bathroom scale fixed...

All of this boils down to two of the traits I detest most about myself: procrastination tinged with a little bit of laziness (O.K. a lot of laziness sometimes). I think as another summer rolls around, I need to implement a late, or mid-year resolution: to finish what I start and commit to at least one damn thing. Who's with me?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

M is for the Many Thing She Gives Me...

In honor of today being Mother's Day, I'm dedicating this post to the only woman nearest and dearest to me: my mother. Always ready with a witty and unexpected inappropriate remark and pretty sound advice disguised as passing conversation, my mom has been a hugely influential part of my life, and I'm just starting to realize how much so now that I've moved out and lived on my own.

My mother is an awesome cook, and is one of those people that can make absolutely anything, and with more calories that it's supposed to have. This trait was always popular with my friends growing up, as my house was always one of the hang outs because staying for dinner was never a question. It seems all I ever do on my visits home is eat, and when I'm not eating I'm in the kitchen talking to my mom helping make the next thing I'm going to eat. This is a welcome change for me since I've moved out. Home cooked food is not a regular occourance at the Casa de Drewby.

She also could be categorized under the "can be a bit overbearing" category, however, I really do believe she has no intention of doing so. I remember moving into my dorm room my freshman year of college. I was talking to a couple guys in my doorway who would be my new neighbors. Right in the middle of the conversation my mother interrupts with an armload of my underwear and tells me she's putting "all these in the top drawer". Ok, thanks Mom. When I later told her not to unpack my things, I would do it, her feelings were genuinely hurt. However, at that stage so was my pride, and I didn't much care. Mom has mellowed considerably since then, and when I moved into a place of my own, her unpacking prowess was welcomed with open arms.

So here's to you, Mom, and all mom's. Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Cinco de Cansado

¡Feliz Cinco de mayo a Ustedes! Normally I would call for a rousing trip to the cantina to sling back some margaritas and burritos, but I'm afraid my fiesta blood is flowing a little slowly today. I had THE absolute worst night of sleep last night, and I'm not exactly sure why. I went to bed around the normal time of 11pm last night and laid awake, WIDE awake until about 4:45 am. Just in time to catch a few winks before my 5:30 wakeup call. Needless to say, I'm in no mood for parties and have become a basic walking zombie for the day. In order to feel like I somewhat celebrated the holiday today however, I treated myself to a Corona after work with a colleague (never TOO tired for beer) went and got some sushi take out (unfortunately not feeling the Mexican fare tonight) and retired almost immediately to my bed. I took a nice nap, and feel a little better now, but hope that my little bout of insomnia doesn't become habitual.

In other Cinco de mayo news, a local news station, in honor of the holiday, aired a running strip along the bottom of the screen during their early morning and late afternoon broadcasts claiming that today is "Mexico's Independence Day" and compared it to the 4th of July. As I'm sure you all know (and if you don't, you would most certainly look it up before broadcasting it on cable television) that in fact Mexico's Independence Day is NOT el cinco de mayo but rather el dieciseis de septiembre and today commemorates something quite different. Perhaps Mary Lou Rosenmeyer from Kennywood tipped them off to this bit of misinformation. Yet again, our local news source working for you! ¡Que tengan un buen y feliz cinco de mayo!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I filled up my gas tank tonight to the tune of $61.08.

I think my feelings can best be summed up by Kurt Cobain:
Nirvana - Rape me
Found at