Thursday, February 21, 2008

Finally A Song As Neurotic And Trippy As I

The genius that is Radiohead provides us with this week's 90s rock installment of Grungy Thursdays. I'm still trying to figure out the symbolism of the video though. Ambition does make you look pretty ugly.


Cyclops said...

Remember, God loves his children and I love this song, so I think it's safe to assume that God loves Radiohead. Honestly, after watching the video for the first time in years, I think you could dedicate a college course to trying to figure out all the symbolism found here. There's lots of religious symbolism and the rest is like a giant, knotted ball of twine waiting to be unraveled. What a great song and video!!

Elisabeth said...

Radiohead is one of those bands into which I could never get - as hard as I tried. Friends and students of mine kept on telling me how great they were, and I listened and listened to their stuff, and never liked it (I have the same issue with Wilco.) It was even borderline difficult for me to watch this video in its entirety, but I did, and did not really think that it was that deep, but it's just my own opinion...