Saturday, March 1, 2008

Challenge Extended...

As per inspiration by Jen-nay's commitment to NaBloPoMo, I too will try to post 31 posts in 31 days. Since the theme of the month is lists, I will try to use that as the springboard. Mostly because I frequently lack blog post theme inspiration. To kick it off, the first post of the new month will be:...................................................

Why February 2008 Sucked and Rocked
  • February always sucks. No offense to any February lovers or Aquariuses, but the shortest month always seems to be the suckiest. It also doesn't help that the most repulsive holiday falls directly in the middle. (And no, I'm not just bitter because I didn't have a Valentine this year. Other years when I've been in perfectly healthy dysfunctional relationships, I've also hated it.) My fondest Valentine's memory was when a friend from high school and I made black heart Valentines that said "Fuck You" on them, and hand delivered them to unsuspecting recipients.
  • The snow and in climate weather allowed me to sleep past 5:30 a.m. a total of 6 times all month. As I've said before on here, my job is one of the few that allows me to be lazy on snowy and cold days, and I took full advantage this month. It also lulls me into being awkwardly adverse to doing anything that involves leaving my house.
  • My neighbors above me have just gotten louder.
  • My job seemed to get better last month. For some reason, although the month lasted about 28 days too long, I really felt on top of my game most of the month at work.
  • It was leap year. I hate leap year. Don't ask me why, I just find it incredibly annoying.
  • I started taking classes, finally. Both Italian and Rock and Roll history classes that both rock in their own quirky ways.
And that is all I have time for now, stay tuned for tomorrow's NaBloPoMo list!


Elisabeth said...

February sucks majorly, I totally agree. I haven't really counted the days when it did not snow this past month, but I do not believe that there were more than about five.

My father died in February (1993), and I always forget the anniversary of his death. I think that it's a subliminal thing. But, on the other hand, my niece and one of my nephews were born in February, and my grand-niece and grand-nephew were both born in February. I guess their parents know the true meaning of "mother's day" - because it seems that they make babies around that time of the year.

JJB said...

I just lost a comment...stupid blogger. I'm so happy that you're nablopomo-ing with me! I agree that February sucks. I'm so over the snow, the bad roads; I think we should plan a "thank god it's march" party ASAP!

KATI said...

February did suck! Looking forward to reading your blogs!
Jen-nay - GREAT idea! TGIM party!

Cyclops said...

February absolutely sucks because it does seem so damn long and cold! I can't wait until Spring/Summer. I don't have Seasonal Affective Disorder, but man!, the fact that the sun seems to rarely shine but a few days a week is horrible.