Monday, September 17, 2007

Leave Britney Alone!

In case you've missed it, here it is. A man named Chris Crocker has come to the rescue of poor Britney, and challenged the world to just "leave Britney alone!".

I love this edited clip of his rant for four reasons:
  1. The fact that it says "This crazy girl is really crying for Britney Spears".
  2. The music in the background.
  3. The crazy face editing.
  4. The twat shot.

I guess I should prequel this with the actual clip of Britney being a hot mess that sparked the outrage of one Chris Crocker. It's Britney Bitch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel for Britney... just last week I knew how it felt to be a "hot mess!" - R.I.P Britney