Sunday, September 30, 2007
Manic Mondays
Best For Bear Bottoms

Some people choose to focus on gay-bashing Snickers commercials, or racy Super Bowl ads, but I seem to direct my hatred towards animated bathroom humor.
Why do people think this is cute?
Friday, September 28, 2007
Bechamel Is Up With That?
Thursday, September 27, 2007
No Spin Zone...

O'Reilly has taken a lot of heat for this lately, and some have compared his comments to that of fellow right-wing cohort Don Imus. Bill's dining partner that afternoon even said his comments were "disturbing and surprising".
In his own defense, O'Reilly has said that if one listened to the entire conversation, he was making a social commentary on the outrageousness of racism. People have made the comment that his point was taken out of context, and perhaps he was a bit inarticulate. Bill O'Reilly is a lot of things, but inarticulate is not one of them. He's well spoken (although most things spoken are bullshit), and knows how to talk on television. I think he knew exactly what he was saying, and how he was saying it, because really, who is his fan base? His comment can be skewed to sound sarcastically anti-racist, but at the end of the day, he just comes off sounding like a bigot.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Travel Tuesday

I tend to shrug off the old adage "There's too much I want to see in my country before I travel abroad", but I make several exceptions. One of which is Hawaii. I have never heard one bad thing about the place, and I'm frankly disgusted I haven't been there yet. It seems a bit over
Monday, September 24, 2007
Move Over Martha...

Ummm, Hillary?

I'm also a little pissy with her definite stance against marriage equality. And am wondering also about her new drop of her maiden name Rodham. Maybe sounded a little too matronly.
I also enjoy this clip of Fred Thompson campaigning at the NRA convention (insert any form of douche-bag here) All thats missing from the applause is a couple open-air straight up shots.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
To Wii or Not To Wii, And Other Weekend Quandaries
This morning, Shelb and I carried out my traditional Sunday ritual by getting something to eat and shopping. It was an uneventful shopping trip, and came home empty handed. So, after she left, I decided I just hadn't spent enough money this weekend, and headed out to buy a futon couch for my spare room (which, by the way, I have made pretty good progress in cleaning out). A few hours, one bloody finger and many "FUUUCK"s later, voila, the new and improved spare room/office/sitting room/parlor:
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I am sitting here watching the series premier of Kid Nation. Something which Jen-nay had blogged earlier which blew my mind. And 40 minutes into the first show, I have run a full gambit of emotions. It's pretty annoying and painful, and in fact I turned it after the first 20 minutes, because I couldn't take it anymore, but I turned it back. Partly because there is nothing else on, and partly because it's much like an accident from which you just can't look away. The kids are bratty, clueless, annoying, too big for their britches and funny. All at the same time; and the kids seem a bit too prompted or scripted. I think another turn off of this show for me is the fact that it reminds me too much of my work. I can't quite decide how I feel about this show, but I have an idea that it will not become part of my weekly Hump Day routine.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Travel Tuesday

: - ) Is Older, (And Wiser) Than Me

THNX Fahlman for making cyberspace so much cuter. ;-(
Monday, September 17, 2007
Leave Britney Alone!
I love this edited clip of his rant for four reasons:
- The fact that it says "This crazy girl is really crying for Britney Spears".
- The music in the background.
- The crazy face editing.
- The twat shot.
I guess I should prequel this with the actual clip of Britney being a hot mess that sparked the outrage of one Chris Crocker. It's Britney Bitch.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Local Man Succumbs to Addiction.
Local Man Succumbs to Addiction.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
A Case of the Hump Day...

In my boredom this evening, I did find out an interesting tidbit about myself from My DJ name would be DJ Wicked Wang. (See above Cancer statement) This, of course, is of no surprise to me.
andrew spins tunes as DJ Wicked Wang Get your dj name @ Quiz Meme |
It also seems that my neighbor is constructing a great arc to save humanity, since I have heard nothing but hammering since approximately 4:30. (Current time 7:45 EST) It appears the b

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Travel Tuesday
Monday, September 10, 2007
What's On Your Boob Tube?
Dirty Sexy Money (ABC Wednesdays @10)

Besides having the best TV title since The Flying Nun, it also stars Peter Krause, someone I became quite intrigued with during my Johnny-come-lately fling with Six Feet Under. In this series, he plays a snippy attorney who becomes a family's personal lawyer. Men's Journal says "TV doesn't need another wealthy, dysfunctional family, but an exception can be made for one that melds the Kennedys with the Hiltons and includes Donald Sutherland." And I couldn't agree more.
Cavemen (ABC Tuesdays @ 8)
I know, I know. But I have been looking forward to this series for some time now. The Geico cavemen commercials have always been a guilty pleasure of mine, and now that they have their own series I have to watch. At least until the overly played out culture gap becomes too much to bear.

Although it might be a tad melodramatic, the preview for this soap-operaesque series looks pretty good. (BTW, spell-check for that word suggests Kafkaesque. That's a real word?) Starring Jimmy Smits, Nestor Carbonell (who played the hunky gay guy on Suddenly Susan, if it's not too painful to remember that show) and a flock of other Latino sounding actors , I think this drama about a Cuban family running a rum business will be a hit. A review online compares it to a modern Godfather. Good enough for me!

Flipping Out (Bravo Tuesdays @ 10)
Not necessarily a brand new show, since it premiered earlier this summer, but an entertaining one none the less. This new reality show follows the life of extremely anal and OCD Jeff Lewis, a seemingly very successful house flipper in CA. Not only are his strange habits entertaining enough, but the rest of his employees, friends and ex-boyfriend turned business partner make it worth the watch.
These, along with my NBC favorites like The Office, Scrubs and 30 Rock should make this fall's TV viewing pretty enjoyable!
Sunday, September 9, 2007

When I first heard of this exhibit several years ago, my reaction was like most people, grossed out but sickly fascinated. A sort of med school study meets Hannibal Lecter. According to an article in today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, some of the first bodies have already arrived to the city for a preview event, and are greeted with concerns and complaints by some Pittsburgh residents. I can somewhat understand people's contempt for the showcase. It's morbid, mildly disgusting, and for anyone with a fear of dead bodies (like myself) a tad frightening. Concerns about this exhibition include the way the bodies were obtained. According to an article at, unclaimed and unidentified bodies are made available for medical research. In this article, Roy Glover, professor at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and a spokesperson for the exhibit, says that the main goal for this exhibit is public education. In my opinion, this exhibit should be seen as just that, a hugely educational experience and should also be appreciated for it's cutting edge and "in your face" look at disease and unhealthy living. However, opponents of the exhibit, such as Arthur Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania states that "...there is a fine line between education and exploitation..." the article goes on to say.
On a related note, I always get a little annoyed when people complain about controversial museum displays and especially art exhibits. Isn't that the objective of any good artist to provoke ideas and controversy? Shouldn't people go into these displays with that mindset? Furthermore, if you REALLY feel you will be offended by the art, why waste your time and go? You obviously have a hard time appreciating art anyway.
In the same Post-Gazette article mentioned earlier, David Hillenbrand, president and CEO of the Carnegie Museums, mentions the complaints people had made about a piece in the Art Museum's current exhibit "Viva Vetro! Glass Alive!" called "Freedom of Speech Cup". This three-i

This also parallels complaints by right-wing creationists about dinosaur fossil exhibits at museums, because obviously they didn't exist. Something Hillenbrand also mentions in his article. Which reminds me of a museum I have to see to believe. The Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY which brings "the Bible to life". A complete museum proving the fact that one God

Saturday, September 8, 2007
The Boom Boom Room

The best part of the segment was the story about the sex scandal by Laurie Dhue done completely in a men's public restroom mixed with dramatizations of what happened.
Instead of ranting and bitching about the absurdity of everything I just saw and heard, I'm going to let it speak for itself. The sad thing is, for a lot of America, this is their only news source.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Always an Experience...ALWAYS.

It began before I even got in the door when a man from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review attacked me with a free newspaper. When I politely declined, he said in a tone I took to be a little snide "What, don't you like free things?" Normally I would have had a cute little comment back, but thought better of it tonight, for fear I might snap. So I ignored him, and walked in. Flashforward to the dairy case for some milk, one of my last items. DIRECTLY in front of the milk I usually buy was a mother and her middle school-aged daughter practicing pirouettes. I thought it would stop at one spin, but they just kept doing it over and over and giggling the whole time. This INFURIATED me. "Hate to break up the dance party, but could I get my milk please?" At this, they both stopped and gave me a simultaneous rude look and stepped back.
I made a stop in the condiment aisle to pick up some pickles, but was completely blocked out by a white trash family deciding whether or not they should purchase the 2 gallon size Miracle Whip (I'm not kidding). Finally, I made my way to the checkout. As I swiped my credit card, a large bubbly middle-aged woman walks right up to me, pushes my cart out of the way, bends down and says "I spy something!" I looked down, not exactly sure what was going to happen to me next, and she begins to try (with no luck) to pick up a penny someone had dropped. When she finally captured it after 30 seconds, she realized that it was face-down, therefore sure to bring bad luck, and threw it back on the floor in front of me.
Really? Is this the kind of ridicule I must face when doing my grocery shopping at a discount mega-mart? You may roll back your prices WalMart, but you seem to roll out the red carpet for everyone on the green bus.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Me No Like Grammar Check and Hi New Reader

I just realized a grave spelling error in Monday's post : I'm planning to make another trip up their next summer. Don't worry, it has been changed. Just wanted to make a big deal out of nothing. Ok, Thanks. Also, a big HI-A to Dykie! Thanks for reading! I think I'm up to two readers now thanks to you and Jen-nay!
Handy Andy
In other news, I bought a new hair gel, or pomade as they say, today. It's called magnetik by Schwarzkopf. The catchy misspelling alone would have sold me, but this hair product is the first of it's kind to contain pheromones. So, the marketing ploy is, put this in your hair and people will want to have sex with you
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Travel Tuesday

Although I've been to South America twice, I've never been able to make it into Peru to visit the ancient Inca city ruins. I've always found South America fascinating, especially

Monday, September 3, 2007
Oh My God, I'm Organizin'!
Karma Police
Sunday morning I woke up with a headache and headed out with a friend to

My weekend concluded with a family picnic at my parents house today, and the 3 hour hike back home. Stay tuned for Travel Tuesday and more rants!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Wedding Bell Blues

Here are some tips for surviving or dodging the ever dreaded wedding affair.
Bring a date who will drink.
Nothing is worse than drinking alone, and if you're at a boring wedding by yourself, you won't have much choice will you? Also, especially for family weddings, it's important to bring a date. Being one of the ONLY single people in my family, weddings seem to be a time for everyone in their love high euphoric state, to discuss when MY wedding will be, and then show the obligatory "My God, I'm so sorry your life sucks" look when they find out I'm STILL single.
Know the tone of the reception.
Nobody likes a dry reception, it's boring, useless and not to mention tacky.
Open Bar = Hold the luke warm buffet, I'm drinking my dinner tonight.
Dry Reception = Drop your card in the white satin wishing well and head out the door to the nearest shot of Jack Daniels.
Always dance with a grandma.
Dancing grandmas are the greatest, and they love it when you dance with them too. So what if you smell like Aspercreme afterwards? it's a great photo-op. And besides, you'll be too drunk to care anyway.

No, it's not O.K. to tap your wine glass.
Nothing pisses me off more at receptions than people who think it's cute to watch the bride and groom kiss in response to everyone clinking their glasses for the 100th time. It's not cute, it's not funny and it's incredibly annoying. So encourage everyone at the pitied singles table to boycott this tradition.
Skip the bubble blowing ceremony afterwards.
When the overly cute flower girl offers you a Dollar Store mini bubbles bottle wrapped with thin pink ribbon and a patronizing poem at the church door, say "Ok, NO thanks" and go straight to the reception (see rule 2) grab a plate full of cookies and nice stiff drink. People would have more fun if the little neighbor girl was passing out vodka shooters instead.
Find the Black-Sheep of the bride or groom's family and befriend them.
Every family's got one, and they're usually the most fun. They're typically not too hard to spot. It's probably the uncle that's slurring his speech with strangers and talking about the time he got slapped by a stripper, or the sister who is dancing by herself and spilling her beer. Initiate a conversation with them, and you may find yourself out behind the dumpsters sharing a joint and some pretty interesting conversations.
Follow these simple rules, and your wedding experience should be less painful. I wish you all the happiness in the world.